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How 4Voice Can Improve Government Operations

Governments provide a variety of services whether it’s local, state, or federal. Services can be anything from providing water and trash service to the internet to providing state health services and military defense. That’s a lot of communication.

No one has questioned the impact of government on the economy. It provides the infrastructure needed to grow businesses and encourage more residences. All forms of government also tax businesses and residents so there is a cemented link between government and economic growth.

The federal government revenue runs about 16 percent of the total gross domestic product (GDP). Its revenue for 2022 was $4.44 trillion while the GNP was $26.97 trillion.

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Government VOIP Services
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However, it's the local government that has the most direct impact on business owners and residents because it provides daily services like roads, traffic lights, business licenses, and building permits. That makes for a good starting point in improving the government's communication architecture.

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Government VOIP Phone Services

Challenges in
Government Communication

Most people classify a government, local or otherwise, as slow and ineffective. Many of those characterizations come from communication issues. That can include a missed or accidentally deleted voicemail, customer service inadequacies, and disputes between governmental customers using services and those in charge of them.
A solid, streamlined communications system from 4Voice can fix all of those complaints.

Government VOIP Phone Services
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Challenges in

Most people classify a government, local or otherwise, as slow and ineffective. Many of those characterizations come from communication issues. That can include a missed or accidentally deleted voicemail, customer service inadequacies, and disputes between governmental customers using services and those in charge of them.
A solid, streamlined communications system from 4Voice can fix all of those complaints.

Communication Solutions
from 4Voice

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4Voice can implement a communications architecture that includes new tech options that prevent messages and information from being lost or missed. Voice mail is included but has features where customers can direct their message more easily to a specific person rather than go through a litany of numbers pressing to get to a department that may or may not resolve the issue.

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Messages are transcribed and sent to the employee's email so they will see all their phone messages in written form when they open up their email. That means that messages will never be missed again. Customer service for governments has always been a problem. Part of the reason for this is customer service representatives aren't monitored in their calls with customers. 4Voice has real-time call monitoring so a manager can review how much time a customer service representative is spending on a call and make changes for better use of time.

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Phone interactions are recorded also and can be transcribed for record-keeping. This resolves both customer service problems and dispute questions between a customer and a customer service representative. The whole call is on record so there is no question as to what was said.

Benefits of 4Voice Service
to Governments

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One of the most advantageous aspects of 4Voice services for governments is its scalability. Government offices can routinely change in scope and personnel so you have to keep up with changes in phone system operations like greetings, department contacts, and phone numbers. Some governments take months to correct these things because of the difficulty in scaling up or down.

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4Voice makes it easy to add or delete users, numbers, and extensions, and move things around. It can be done anytime with one phone call to our 24/7 customer service.

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Another benefit of using 4Voice for government communications is reduced cost. 4Voice can use your existing equipment, cutting your implementation cost. Cost is overall less expensive in comparison with landlines but offers far more flexibility and features.

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Streamlining government communications is a pivotal first step to making a local, state, or federal government more efficient and offering citizens more bang for their tax dollars. That will make taxpayers happy and your employees happy as well.