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Phone Systems for Accounting Firms

The accounting industry includes more than a company accountant or someone who does your taxes. It also includes many niches such as financial accountants, auditors, government accountants, internal auditors, cost accounting, and forensic accountants.

Generally, accountants are bookkeepers who maintain a general ledger that lists five types of accounts including assets, equity, expenses, revenues, and liabilities.

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Phone Systems for Accounting Firms

Challenges in Communications with Accountants

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Accounting is a data-driven field that requires more documented data than verbal communication.

Accounting is a data-driven field that requires more documented data than verbal communication. Communication challenges primarily are those that lessen efficiency like being unable to reach clients or others to obtain data, spending too much time searching through emails, difficulty finding data for daily or weekly reports, and not nurturing personal relationships with co-workers or clients. These are all issues that switching to a 4Voice VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) can help fix.

Challenges in Communications with Accountants

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Accounting is a data-driven field that requires more documented data than verbal communication.

Accounting is a data-driven field that requires more documented data than verbal communication. Communication challenges primarily are those that lessen efficiency like being unable to reach clients or others to obtain data, spending too much time searching through emails, difficulty finding data for daily or weekly reports, and not nurturing personal relationships with co-workers or clients. These are all issues that switching to a 4Voice VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) can help fix.

Fixing Common Challenges with VoIP

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One of the biggest ways VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) with 4Voice can fix communication issues is in speed. VoIP systems are typically faster and more reliable than landlines so both voice and data can be transmitted faster than ever before.

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VoIP can be integrated into all your office systems like phones, faxes, and computers so you have a streamlined communication system that is faster and more efficient. Specifically, you won't need to search through all the emails to find the data you need. A 4Voice system has a dashboard that simplifies messages, phone calls, and emails. Your messages are transcribed to emails so you can glance through them quickly compared to listening to everyone on the phone to find the most important ones.

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The 4Voice system also has a recording feature so phone communications are recorded so you can easily refer back to a call to retrieve information and data when you can't find your notes. There is no better way to nurture relationships with co-workers and clients than to be readily available with a clear, high-quality call. 4Voice allows you to retrieve and make calls while on the road using the same business number you have for your office. That ensures your clients and co-workers that you are making them a priority.

Benefits of 4Voice for Accountants

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One of the larger benefits of the 4Voice VoIP system is the dashboard allows you to monitor calls in real-time, as well as look at data and other features to improve efficiency. It has all the features of landlines like call forwarding and voice messaging.

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Another important feature of the 4Voice VoIP system is security. Calls are encrypted end-to-end. That becomes important when you are sharing data. Voice and data are broken down into packets, transmitted, and then reassembled to original content for the recipient.

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Our company also had additional security in that it has its server in a tightly secured facility and 24/7 customer service so you are always taken care of. That means your clients are taken care of also. 4Voice VoIP services provide the most efficient communications infrastructure to accountants and all the ways they use it in both voice and data.