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Restaurant Phone Systems

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4voice - Restaurant Phone Systems​

Anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant knows how hectic it can be. Patrons are ordering food in the restaurant while many are calling in orders. Electronic devices submitting delivery orders from companies like DoorDash and Uber Eats complicated things. Plus, there are online orders you must fulfill.

One of the problems with restaurants is they are notoriously understaffed. Owners, many times, go from answering the phone to cooking over a stove top and checking in raw food deliveries. Sometimes, they have to follow up on vendors who are late in making deliveries or employees who fail to show up on time.

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Most restaurant owners rely on landlines still and don't give much thought to modernizing communications systems. They should because using modern technology can streamline all they do and allow for more time, less stress, and less costs.

Challenges in
Restaurant Communication

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Restaurants are notorious for maintaining old communications systems, ranging from landlines to yelling out an order to the kitchen. Those who own restaurants tend to be hands-on in the business and concentrate more on cooking great food than things like improving communication technology. There lies the challenge.

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Communication challenges relate to both the cost and time of implementing them and training all those in the restaurant on how to use them properly. Restaurant owners think they don't have any financial or time resources to accommodate a transition. They also may think improving communication technology won't improve the restaurant's bottom line enough to warrant it.

4Voice VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) resolves all those issues. Our engineers work with restaurants to customize a communications system that meets both the needs and budget. It is easily implemented with little to no downtime. Finally, it’s easy to use without in-depth training days.

One of the better aspects of a VoIP system is that it can cut communications costs by as much as half when compared to landlines. 4Voice can use the current equipment a restaurant already owns so that is a cost-cutting measure also. The money you save can be put into additional staffing, marketing, or raw food.

4Voice VoIP is also scalable so growing restaurants can easily add new lines or users with one phone call to our 24/7 customer service. These types of actions don’t require a lot of paperwork or phone installers coming out to the location.

Additionally, a VoIP service can unit a restaurant company with multiple locations into a consolidated process where every communicati

Restaurant Phone System Solutions

4Voice VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) resolves all those issues. Our engineers work with restaurants to customize a communications system that meets both the needs and budget. It is easily implemented with little to no downtime. Finally, it’s easy to use without in-depth training days.

One of the better aspects of a VoIP system is that it can cut communications costs by as much as half when compared to landlines. 4Voice can use the current equipment a restaurant already owns so that is a cost-cutting measure also. The money you save can be put into additional staffing, marketing, or raw food.

4Voice VoIP is also scalable so growing restaurants can easily add new lines or users with one phone call to our 24/7 customer service. These types of actions don’t require a lot of paperwork or phone installers coming out to the location.

Additionally, a VoIP service can unit a restaurant company with multiple locations into a consolidated process where every communicati

Restaurant Phone System Solutions

Benefits of 4Voice VoIP
Services for Restaurants

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One of the best features of 4Voice VoIP services for restaurants is that it pools all communications from different inputs, voice, voicemail, instant messages, and email, into one structure where all can easily be found, responded to, and documented.

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That is essential for restaurants that are receiving orders from multiple sources. One unique application of a VoIP system is to transmit orders from the front of the house to the back instantly. This ensures the correct order is assigned to each customer without miscommunication.

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Another major benefit of a 4Voice VoIP system is keeping up with vendors' communications. A voice mail message or instant message from a vendor is automatically routed to the right person, someone taking their calls, to their email or mobile phone, depending on how you customize your communications. Restaurant owners and managers never have to be caught off guard by changes to their orders, vendors, or delivery schedules.

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4Voice VoIP services can add so much efficiency to the restaurant industry with a streamlined communication process where calls aren't dropped, missed, or overlooked. You can control it all from your dashboard with ease. That allows for more time to generate great food for your customers and create a bigger bottom line.