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VoIP Phone Systems For Schools

Phone System for Education Institutions
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One of the largest sectors of the U.S. economy is education. It was worth approximately $1.41 trillion in 2021 and is expected to double to $3.12 trillion by 2030. Labor numbers from 2023 state that 13.5 million people are employed in the U.S. education system.

Most numbers and statistics refer to those directly involved in education in both public and private schools ranging from kindergarten through adult education and university programs. However, the educational system reaches beyond that to textbooks, labs, and technical equipment industries. It also indirectly supports sports equipment, food service industries, and related industries like photography and print companies.

Challenges of Communicating
in Education

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Communication is important in education whether it's relaying important information about a child's performance to parents, ordering supplies, or sending lesson plans online. Educational communication has gotten more complicated since the pandemic with many students experiencing remote learning at some point.

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Another complication comes from school safety concerns. Parents, students, and staff need alerts and updates immediately should there be a risk on campus. These updates are sent as voice or text messages to mobile phones, landlines, and emails. Getting a streamlined communications system to do all of this at an affordable price can be troublesome unless the educational system goes with 4Voice.

4Voice Offers Affordable
Communication Solutions

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Educational systems are often under the constraints of a tight budget which can limit communication options. Yet, 4Voice offers customized VoIP systems that can save education half the cost of traditional landline systems while offering more features.

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Communications with a VoIP system are streamlined for maximum efficiency with automatic rollover features for calls to get to a live person if the original recipient doesn't answer. It integrates text, instant messaging, voice, and email into one communication architecture so all types of communication are given notice.

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Security is important with education and 4Voice offers end-to-end encryption so school voice and data remain secure and private. It has a server that handles communication in a secured facility only accessible by engineers.

Benefits of Using 4Voice VoIP for Education

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VoIP offers the fastest, most reliable form of communication with high-quality calls that aren't dropped. It also includes voice-to-text features so messages and even conversations are transcribed for future reference.

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4Voice VoIP also can be set up with emergency backup systems in place for emergencies like storms, power outages, and security situations. Communications will still go out even during these types of emergencies.

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It also better connects all educational employees to be notified in case of school closures because of weather, remind them of work days, or help them keep up with substitutes.

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4Voice VoIP can help any educational facility run like a perfectly timed machine with customized implementation, an easy-to-learn process, and a monitoring system so administrators can keep track of all communications coming and going from their campus. It sets a gold standard for modern communication.