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How Cloud PBXs Eliminate Office Stagnation

Cloud-based phone system

Landlines’ physical infrastructure make them resistant to change. And when a phone system is so rigid that even switching desks creates chaos, it’s hard not to feel stagnant. 

Cloud PBX solutions, by comparison, are flexible, scalable and offer powerful tools that can cut down on stagnation. Here’s how cloud PBXs inspire the teamwork, productivity and customer engagement necessary to eliminate stagnation and drive growth.

Empower Flexibility to Drive Growth

Office flexibility and scheduling policies are one of the top six reasons employees leave a company. As remote work and flexible hours become the norm in the workplace, a rigid system without such options can alienate current employees, limit candidate pools for new hires and ultimately create stagnation.

Fortunately, cloud PBXs are refreshingly flexible. From their easy configuration to their compatibility with mobile devices, VoIP systems work to fit employees’ needs – not the other way around.

For example, most business VoIP providers have mobile-friendly apps that allow employees to make and receive calls with their work number on their cell phone, laptop or desktop. Employees can also forward calls to a co-worker or call group, when unavailable, with a user-friendly UI that eliminates reliance on landline support calls for a simple reconfiguration. Even better, VoIP settings are just as easy to reverse for standard call routing.

This fluidity creates an environment poised to support change rather than hinder it, accommodating office needs and making room for growth.

Improve Internal Communication and Productivity

When surveyed for an EY report, nearly 90 percent of companies agreed that teamwork is critical to providing effective solutions.

Hiding in silos to get things done – regardless of effort – will never top a team that clicks.

Disjointed team relations, therefore, can significantly stymie company growth. Companies with a sterile work culture and limited employee interaction can improve teamwork with a phone system that facilitates easy internal communication.

VoIP solutions, fortunately, do just that: they enable smooth, instant communication within teams – even when they’re not in the same place. Whether teams are collaborating from different office locations or members are working remotely, VoIP solutions connect employees as if they’re right next to one another.

In addition, VoIP’s reporting tools give insights into call volume, missed calls, call tracking and more to keep employees and managers up-to-date and on the same page. This transparency helps managers address issues early-on and keep teams operating smoothly. 

Further, VoIP SIP solutions are full of productivity-enhancing features (like these hidden time-savers). From CRM-integration to electronic faxing and speedy support, virtual PBXs are equipped with everything an office needs to boost efficiency and get teams working together. In fact, powerful reporting and productivity tools are some of the reasons many fully-fledged call centers choose VoIP 

Sign New Customers and Boost Engagement with Better Service

A virtual PBX lends itself to better customer service. Reporting tools help managers keep response time and missed calls low, and CRM-integration capabilities make customer and lead interactions more personal by centralizing call notes. Mobile technology and seamless transfers allow companies to extend their customer service hours by employing agents in different time zones or using an answering service.

And for the few inevitable missed calls that slip through the cracks? VoIP has a solution for that, too. Email-based voicemail notifications and transcriptions help employees address messages more reliably and quickly to avoid losing prospects or turning off customers.

Honestly, What’s in It for Your Business?

Customers are willing to spend 16 percent more on a better customer experience, and prospects are more likely to sign with a company that’s responsive and attentive.

Cloud PBXs can improve your customer service.

A boost in customer service capabilities can be the push a company needs to cut stagnation and spur growth.

Put Cloud PBX Savings Toward Office Growth

On top of the advanced tools, improved functionality and ease of use cloud PBXs offer, they’re also much cheaper than landlines. Businesses that switch to VoIP can put phone system savings toward training programs, company outings or new technology and equipment to invigorate offices and inspire innovation and growth.

To learn more about why companies are switching to VoIP, download our infographic on the top 10 benefits of 4Voice’s business VoIP solutions.



Amruth Laxman

About the Author

Amruth Laxman

25+ years of telecom experience, specializing in high availability software and systems, I’ve seen the transformative impact they have on businesses. As the founding partner of 4Voice, I deliver customized, reliable phone solutions and can’t wait to share my insights with you in this blog.

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