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5 Ways VoIP Solutions Can Reduce Your Operational Burdens

Businesses rely on several moving parts in order to run smoothly, and managing all operational cogs can be time-consuming. VoIP solutions cut operational time and burden by streamlining and automating phone service functionality, all at a lower cost than traditional phone service.

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1. Billing

Studies actually prove that VoIP saves businesses money over other options, all while increasing productivity. Why is VoIP so efficient? To cover the basics, VoIP uses SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) to digitally initiate calls, and a cloud-based VoIP PBX handles all calls. All of this is internet-based and requires virtually no physical equipment, leaving businesses with significantly lower installation and maintenance costs. Additionally, most businesses already have an internet connection; VoIP works over that existing connection instead of requiring an additional subscription like cable. 

VoIP’s digital functionality also translates to lower costs per digital user “line, ” no charges for long-distance calls and cheaper add-on charges, like e-fax and VoIP toll-free numbers. In fact, most advanced call handling features are included in VoIP standard packages, as opposed to landline service’s tendency to charge features à la carte.

 2. Maintenance Time

VoIP solutions relieve IT and operations from the burden of troubleshooting issues and working with providers or third-party maintenance teams for repairs. Why? Most phone issues aren’t the business’s responsibility to solve.

Providers host all cloud-based data infrastructure and equipment, and therefore manage all maintenance, updates and repairs. Since all of their clients use this equipment, providers prioritize technical problems and keep back-up systems in place in case of an issue.

 3. Call Handling

VoIP auto-attendants automatically answer and intelligently route calls, eliminating the cost of a full-time receptionist while offering more advanced handling options, including call forwarding, queuing and hold.

VoIP’s seamless call routing and mobile functionality also makes call handling easy and customizable for remote workers, businesses with multiple locations and travelling employees. Managers can configure settings quite easily, cutting phone management time and the need to consult providers for setting changes.

 4. Workforce Management

Nearly half of U.S. employees work remotely at least some of the time. VoIP easily accommodates this trend by allowing users to access their work phone from their mobile device or laptop and enabling easy call forwarding and transferring for remote workers.

Digital lines also significantly ease the burden of office expansions, moves and on- and off-boarding. While landline solutions require physical installations or alterations to make these changes (at a cost), adding a new VoIP line is as easy as purchasing a phone and adding a new user to the plan. User changes are just as painless with VoIP. In fact, most call centers prefer VoIP solutions for managing a high degree of employee seating and staffing changes.

Tip: Check whether prospective providers will allow you to increase and decrease service – some contracts restrict customers from downgrading, preventing them from removing users.

 5. Digital and Integrated Operations

VoIP systems also help digitize operations, making them easier to manage and track. E-fax solutions, for example, enable employees to send and receive faxes with their computers while preserving the security of traditional faxing; voicemail-to-email solutions and email alerts encourage employees to quickly address missed calls.

Additionally, VoIP solutions can integrate with a business’s CRM, easing and improving customer data management. CRM integration helps improve calls by displaying caller information and simplifies data collection by storing all customer information in one place.

Save Time and Money with a VoIP Solution

VoIP solutions ultimately save businesses money both through lower rates and by freeing up operational time with automated, intuitive functionality. To learn how adopting a VoIP solution could help your business save money grow, download our infographic on the 10 benefits of 4Voice’s business VoIP solutions! 


Amruth Laxman

About the Author

Amruth Laxman

25+ years of telecom experience, specializing in high availability software and systems, I’ve seen the transformative impact they have on businesses. As the founding partner of 4Voice, I deliver customized, reliable phone solutions and can’t wait to share my insights with you in this blog.

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