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How Accounting Offices Are Improving Service and Productivity Using VoIP Solutions

Did your customer call in to renew their contract, but nobody caught the phone call? Is the office struggling to handle client questions or collect important information over the phone? Outdated phone equipment frequently causes problems like these for otherwise successful accounting firms. They slow processes down and can damage your reputation in the eyes of the caller. VoIP solutions bring modern and customizable tools that increase customer service and productivity.

Reduce Downtime with Easy Phone System Management

Receiving a voice message, busy tone or endless rings when trying to reach a business doesn’t exactly instill confidence in callers. When phones go down in an office, getting them back up helps avoid lost calls and plummeting productivity.

To minimize phone downtime, especially within phone-dependent departments, many companies are switching to VoIP. Why? Landline infrastructure is crumbling. Laid years ago, these lines are strictly maintained by the phone company and cannot be quickly repaired. Modern SIP VoIP solutions are internet-based and are built on modern internet infrastructure.

On top of that, VoIP phone systems don’t require in-house equipment to maintain. In fact, cloud-based providers own and manage virtually all equipment and infrastructure. That means customers can reach the business quickly – and office staff will no longer be forced to perform repairs and updates themselves. When client-side problems do arise, support teams can usually resolve them quickly with quality of service adjustments. Some VoIP providers even offer disaster recovery plans to help businesses maintain phone functionality during outages or unforeseen disasters.

Improve Data Management

VoIP CRM integration helps accounting offices streamline customer data management and improve call quality. With VoIP-integrated CRMs, employees can view, record and save customer information during calls, reducing the number of questions customers must answer during their work with your agency. Referencing a client’s call history on the spot, for example, could help an agent resolve a payment issue by reviewing previous invoices and customer service calls.

VoIP solutions also provide improved versions of necessary tools. VoIP-based faxing, for example, facilitates paperless record-keeping. Similarly, VoIP helps employees address missed calls faster by sending email notifications and voicemail transcriptions when they receive a voice message.

Enable & Monitor Employees for Quality           

With VoIP, managers can record or listen to live calls for quality assurance, and monitor call times, missed call rates and other employee and company performance figures. VoIP reporting can help managers delegate tasks, identify areas needing improvement and calculate profitability.

Cell Phone, Smart Phone, Laptop – No Problem

VoIP mobile apps also allow employees to work from home, take calls while travelling and work on flexible schedules without compromising productivity or availability. 4Voice can even make your choice of device appear as the business phone number in caller ID for outbound calls, giving a professional touch (and useful callback number) for calls made on the go.

And, when an employee is unavailable, VoIP routing settings are easy to configure. Callers can always reach an agent by routing to alternate numbers. These alternate routings can be divided into call groups (to align callers with the best suited agent) and overflow groups (if the best-suited employees are unable to answer). Groups and alternate routings are limitless, but these two are popular setups that help match callers to the right talent and, at worst, ensure someone is there to take their call.

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Demonstrate Customer-First Values

Phone calls that require too many steps are one of the biggest customer service pain points among consumers. VoIP auto-attendants and IVRs combat this by helping send callers to the correct location right away. Reduce the chances of multiple transfers with a clear IVR menu that always offers the option to speak to a live representative.

In addition, many accounting offices go the extra mile with consumers by staggering shifts to increase availability. They also offer VoIP toll-free numbers and conduct post-call surveys to continually improve customer service. 

Modernize Your Phone Solutions for a Streamlined Experience

VoIP solutions instantly modernize accounting offices and provide both customers and employees with more streamlined experiences. What’s more, they require minimal installation and training, making the landline-to-VoIP upgrade that much simpler. To learn more about transitioning to a VoIP solution for improved office functionality, download our whitepaper.


Amruth Laxman

About the Author

Amruth Laxman

25+ years of telecom experience, specializing in high availability software and systems, I’ve seen the transformative impact they have on businesses. As the founding partner of 4Voice, I deliver customized, reliable phone solutions and can’t wait to share my insights with you in this blog.

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