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Using VoIP Solutions to Build Better Service into Your Insurance Office

We don’t need an expert to tell us that customers don’t like to wait. They also don’t like service that feels cold or impersonal. VoIP solutions enable insurance offices to offer each caller great service, which is a foundation for satisfied customers and positive reviews.

Improve the Customer Experience

VoIP PBXs are easy to configure. Managers can set them to automatically route calls to the next available agent, or use skills-based routing that optimizes call flows based on the likelihood of an agent’s ability to satisfy clients. Optimized call routing helps minimize long hold times, a common customer service compliant in the insurance industry.

Customers also hate being transferred multiple times. VoIP auto attendant and IVR capabilities help avoid this by connecting callers with an agent equipped to address their specific problems right away. Routing callers based on their needs also helps cut down on overall call times – a win-win for VoIP call centers and their customers.

Note that IVRs should contain five or fewer main menu options; a long-winded menu will only frustrate customers. Always include an option to skip forward to a live representative to keep customer satisfaction high.

Additionally, demonstrate to customers that you’re willing to go the extra mile to improve their experience. Invite them to call your business for free with a VoIP toll-free number, and invest in a provider with a proactive support team to ensure continuing quality of service. 

Improve Prospect and Client Data Management

VoIP solutions can integrate with a company’s CRM. Insurance offices that track prospects with a CRM can accumulate prospect data and schedule follow-up actions with predictive outcomes after each call. CRM-integration also improves existing customers’ experiences by storing their data and displaying it when the agent answers the phone. That means fewer questions, quicker calls and a more personalized, pleasant experience.

Additionally, modern businesses need to fully commit to updating their processes and technology to improve digital communication with customers, prospects and employees.

Offices still using analog faxing position themselves miles behind competitors who have switched to digital faxing.

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Electronic faxing enables users to send and receive documents from their email. Aside from streamlining document transfers, e-faxing supports digital record-keeping, making data searchable and harder to lose. Avoid sifting through papers to find misplaced claims and streamline customer inquiries by keeping data at agents’ fingertips.

Never Miss a Call

Have you ever lost out on a prospect because you missed their call? VoIP solutions mobilize insurance office phone systems: real-time presence tools enable agents to respond quickly to live opportunities and increase their availability to answer more calls and decrease call abandonment.

Today’s VoIP works anywhere with an internet connection; agents can dial and take calls from their desk phone, cell phone or laptop – all while using the same business phone number.

Some providers offer burstable SIP VoIP technology, which allows calls to come through, even when all lines are busy. Additionally, VoIP voicemail services can transcribe voicemails and send new voicemail notifications to people’s email or phone. This way, agents never miss a chance to connect with customers – even if they need to quietly read a message, rather than talk.

Optimize Caller and Agent Experiences with VoIP Solutions

VoIP solutions are now the number one choice for businesses – phone lines look stale and outdated by comparison. VoIP’s advanced call handling capabilities allow insurance offices to improve customer and representative experiences. What’s more, they cost much less than phone lines – businesses can experience a 50 percent decrease in their overall telecom spend when they switch to VoIP.

Learn how 4Voice’s VoIP can improve your office’s customer service and boost its revenue in our infographic on the 10 benefits of 4Voice’s service.


Amruth Laxman

About the Author

Amruth Laxman

25+ years of telecom experience, specializing in high availability software and systems, I’ve seen the transformative impact they have on businesses. As the founding partner of 4Voice, I deliver customized, reliable phone solutions and can’t wait to share my insights with you in this blog.

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