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How Business VoIP Solutions Save Your Office Time and Money

Technology has transformed businesses in industries of every stripe. Uber has disrupted the cab industry and saved commuters time and money – 72.5% of auto travel reimbursements by professionals went to ride-sharing companies. Drones are hoping to usurp the domain of delivery drivers everywhere. So, where’s the tech for the rest of us?

From serving more customers with less equipment and manpower to discovering your dream team, business VoIP providers are cost-saving powerhouses for offices and industries around the world. Wondering how your office can benefit? Let’s dive in!

  1. Modernize for Better Reviews and Speedier Service

Whether your office deals in insurance, medicine, law, accounting or any of the other big players in the American economy, customers are still hoping for terrific service in unexpected ways.

Start by going omnichannel. Customers want to call in. They want a quick answer. They don’t want to have to visit if they don’t have to. And they really don’t want to dig up old equipment to get the job done.

But that’s only inbound. How else can an office meet them on their terms?


Electronic faxing brings service, speed and a user-friendly touch where customers least expect it. Secure eFax capabilities take the paper out of the paper trail, free up phone lines and turn slow and messy fax work into easy-to-use online documents.

Top notch VoIP solutions easily integrate existing systems with SharePoint, too. Not only will your customers appreciate transitioning to an online process, your partners in business will appreciate the ease with which they can collaborate.

Don’t have a fax machine? Perfect! EFax works with or without an old-school fax.

Toll-Free Numbers and Easier Phone Handling

We’re all a bit more mobile with each year that passes. For busy professionals, that means travelling for conferences, district checkups and sales routes.

Toll-free numbers can take the sting out of calling a business in exactly those situations. For smaller offices, it also adds a little touch of professionalism mixed with a big-business feel.

Making your office access-friendly isn’t just about showing that customer time matters. It also means saving staff time too. How?

Turn your phones into a modern call center. VoIP tech makes routing calls, remote work, call forwarding and connecting customers – even during a disaster – much simpler. VoIP phone systems stay up when phone lines snap and repair trucks are slogging their way to the downed lines.

That means business stays up and running even in uncertain conditions – nothing makes customers happier than consistent, easy to reach service.

Even better, call center-grade systems keep incoming calls going where they need and outbound calls from clogging up the lines. Nothing says service like flawless communications – especially when the competition won’t pick up.

  1. Scale Up without Scorching the Budget

As your business grows, so does the need for more seats and lines. Traditional phone lines are sold with on-premise routing equipment and usually include new lines only in bundles.

Need one more phone line? Sorry, you have to buy 16 more lines – it’s the smallest some places offer.

With VoIP, you only pay for the line you need – the phones – and you can forget about buying more routing devices; VoIP is a hosted service. One less thing to worry about.

And if the business has to move to accommodate, there’s nothing more to do than bring the phones to the new location. That’s savings in both time and money.

  1. Data Insights for Better Performance

Does your business make calls to drum up business? Do employees take calls with the goal of expanding business through upgrades, additions, etc? Are service calls an opportunity to for up-sells and cross-sells?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then VoIP-powered dashboards and reporting can help improve those sales and service opportunities.

VoIP solutions start by integrating with existing CRMs to provide detailed call records and customer profiles. As each interaction is recorded, customers calling for any reason will feel that they are known to the business – not just another anonymous account number. Starting up with a “warm” phone experience makes suggestions for upgrades or expansions an organic and trustworthy experience.

Building on growth, however, means looking for insights. VoIP technology makes it easy to create dashboards and reporting which helps businesses dig up the gold at the bottom of the pan.

Data insights come in many flavors. Which agents or employees are your closers? Who asks the right questions that lead to an easy purchasing prompt? Which agents are closing the least? Who might be a good source for training them? Questions like these can be found by digging into the analytics of each employees performance.

Build an Office that Builds the Bottom Line

Business VoIP’s plethora of features, scalability, insight-driving dashboards and customer-pleasing integrations bring growth, scaling and savings within reach.

Learn how to quickly build customer relationships, simplify operations and pave the way for better productivity in our infographic: “Quick-Start Guide to Upgrading Your Office from Landlines to VoIP.”


Amruth Laxman

About the Author

Amruth Laxman

25+ years of telecom experience, specializing in high availability software and systems, I’ve seen the transformative impact they have on businesses. As the founding partner of 4Voice, I deliver customized, reliable phone solutions and can’t wait to share my insights with you in this blog.

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