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5 Reasons Businesses are Switching to VoIP for Call Centers

VoIP for call centers is internet-based calling technology that allows call centers to monitor their agents, adapt to change and keep productivity high. However, even non-contact centers have begun reaping the benefits and switching to call center VoIP technology.

5 Common Call Annoyances That Disappeared with VoIP Phone Solutions

Nobody calls a business hoping to talk to voicemail. However, with landline solutions, calls roll to voicemail all too often. Similarly, landline issues like inaccurate IVR menus, scratchy audio and extremely high charges plagued businesses until VoIP solutions took over as the number one phone solution. Read on to discover exactly which issues met their […]

Home, Office, Smartphone – How to Unify Your Teams with VoIP Solutions

How many calls have you missed because you were away from your desk? Well, it is possible to get that number close to zero. Rather than limiting work operations by rooting them to a physical space as landline technology does, VoIP solutions enable businesses to take their work with them. Let’s take a look at […]

What’s the Difference Between My Old Phone and a VoIP Solution?

Many businesses still use landlines simply because that’s what they’ve been using for decades. Why fix what isn’t broken?  For one thing? Infrastructure for standard telephony is starting to get a bit rusty. But that’s a bit of a gloomy start. Not fixing what isn’t broken, in this case, is like riding “a perfectly good […]

How Accounting Offices Are Improving Service and Productivity Using VoIP Solutions

Did your customer call in to renew their contract, but nobody caught the phone call? Is the office struggling to handle client questions or collect important information over the phone? Outdated phone equipment frequently causes problems like these for otherwise successful accounting firms. They slow processes down and can damage your reputation in the eyes […]

6 Ways to Optimize Remote Offices with VoIP Solutions

Flexible scheduling is becoming one of the most important factors in employee satisfaction. The number of full-time teleworkers in the U.S. has more than doubled in the last decade, with nearly half of Americans working from home at least some of the time.

3 Ways Great VoIP Phone Solution Support Keeps Offices Running Smoothly

While the benefits of B2C customer service are well documented, it turns out businesses value the service they receive even more than individual consumers. VoIP providers with client-first service empower growth while saving businesses money. Additionally, quickly addressing issues and outages can minimize damages to staff morale, business reputation and overall revenue. So what are […]

How Medical Practices Streamline Customer Contact with VoIP Call Centers

The healthcare industry has begun emphasizing customer service in the wake of its historically poor satisfaction scores. With the advent of patient portals, self-service and more accessible health information, consumers expect quick and clear communication with healthcare organizations. Many practices are upgrading their landline systems to a VoIP solution or investing in VoIP call centers […]

5 Steps to Giving Your Small Business That Big Business Feel

Fortunately for small businesses, American consumers consistently trust smaller companies more than they do large corporations. However, company reputation and credibility still influence consumer decision-making, and the image of a CEO running a business out of their basement doesn’t instill confidence in a potential customer. Help your audience develop trust in your business by giving […]

7 Questions to Ask When Searching for a VoIP Solution

Considering the VoIP industry’s consistent growth, choosing the right option for your business can be challenging. Determine your business’s phone system needs and gauge a provider’s ability to meet them by asking the following questions.