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Understanding VoIP Quality of Service (QoS)

Understanding VoIP Quality of Service (QoS)

One of the concerns businesses have about moving to a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system is call quality. Anyone who has had a dropped call with their mobile phone service understands that poor quality isn’t just aggravating. It can hurt your business, especially if you are negotiating a deal.

Poor quality includes dropped calls but also includes things like an echo, feedback, or garbled voices.

It’s important to understand a bit of how VoIP works to understand what can affect the call. The audio of the call is converted from analog to digital formats to transmit over the internet as packets. Packets are groups of digital data that are then converted back into standard audio on the receiving end.

Everything that converts and transmits the digital audio plays a role in call clarity. That starts with the SIP phones, computers, routers, and internet connection. It then goes through the VoIP service provider and over VoIP servers, over the internet, and into systems on the other end.

VoIP systems are capable of adequately transmitting calls to many types of equipment including other VoIP systems, landlines, mobile phones, and computers. None of that affects call quality that much unless the equipment is old and outdated.

The Biggest Components

Two primary things affect phone quality. Those are your internet connection and the VoIP infrastructure. You will need a stable, preferably faster, internet service to get the best call quality. Your VoIP infrastructure is established by your VoIP provider.

One thing that affects call quality on some tablets, laptops, and cell phones is Wi-Fi. Turning your devices to Wi-Fi rather than using a mobile hotspot or cell data is going to improve call quality.

Wi-Fi has fewer dropped, garbled, or echoing calls over cell tower use. That’s because of how the data is transmitted. Your Wi-Fi router is closer to your device than a cell tower, so there is a more direct connection.

However, you will still need to have reliable internet with a solid bandwidth for VoIP to work well for you. That’s especially true if you are using multi-media types of programs like video conferencing, teamwork platforms, and production programs. The more data traffic you have that competes with voice calls, the larger bandwidth you need.

Implementation is Key

One of the most important aspects of ensuring you get good call quality is having a proper implementation of your VoIP system. Calls will use bandwidth to transmit so you need to make sure you have enough bandwidth to carry the extra load.

Failing to have enough bandwidth is the primary reason VoIP calls are low in quality or dropped. You can avoid this problem by understanding what you currently have and upgrading to account for the extra data load once VoIP services are added.

4Voice has engineers who evaluate your system before installing the software to avoid these types of pitfalls. They will go over their recommendations with you so you can start your VoIP services with crystal-clear calls.

They also design your VoIP system according to your business needs. That ensures you get all you need with the best phone quality. Implementation can include checking your routers and switches to ensure they are working properly. Voice traffic should be set as a priority over transmitting data traffic. 4Voice engineers working with you can ensure this is properly handled so you won’t have any problems with incoming or outgoing calls.


One item that can affect the overall health of your communications, including VoIP systems, and call quality is security. Internet malware and hacks are risking and any can threaten your communications system.

VoIP systems use protection at various points that include firewalls and have other security measures in the switching, encryption, and transmission.

That’s where 4Voice excels because our cloud-based system includes our secure servers to handle data protection and encryption. Our servers are located in secure data facilities that are under 24/7 surveillance. The only ones with access are 4Voice engineers.

4Voice also has seamless and secure interactions from call origination to destination and data is never shared with third parties. It also has private wires to share confidential information security.

Providing the best in security is one way that 4Voice keeps all calls clear and private.

Guaranteeing Call Quality

The best way to guarantee great call quality is to have professional engineers or those knowledgeable with VoIP systems to evaluate your system. This can include looking at your equipment, internet, router, bandwidth, and other issues.

4Voice has professionals that can do an evaluation and offer recommendations. It can offer a comparison of what you have to the type of system 4Voice offers. It may be a move that offers you better, higher-quality calls and more features than you currently have.


Amruth Laxman

About the Author

Amruth Laxman

25+ years of telecom experience, specializing in high availability software and systems, I’ve seen the transformative impact they have on businesses. As the founding partner of 4Voice, I deliver customized, reliable phone solutions and can’t wait to share my insights with you in this blog.

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