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How VoIP Solutions Can Outperform HAL 9000 and Your Old Phone System

Face it, the landline phone system you’ve been using at the office has to go. Sure, the legendary office administrator at the front desk has kept the seams from showing when customers call, messages come in and coordination has to click. But, why are they wasting time coddling equipment that was cutting-edge 50 years ago?

The VoIP Solutions Lifting Law Offices out of the Dark Ages

It’s 6 a.m., you’ve just rolled out of bed, and 25 emails are staring up at you from your phone. By the time you’ve started eating breakfast, you know clients are calling into the office with urgent issues and a need to move cases forward. VoIP solutions take that daily mayhem and create a level […]

The Secrets That Power Business VoIP Provider Service

Have you ever wondered why almost 40% of small businesses have ended their relationship with phone line providers to switch to a business VoIP provider? You might be surprised to hear it’s not just about the cost savings. From better customer experiences for your clients to a perfect fit for the modern workforce, dive in […]

2 Huge Reasons to Switch from Telecoms to VoIP for Call Centers

Reaching the year-over-year growth that is the hallmark of a healthy business can put more than a few grey hairs on your head. That’s why we encourage call centers looking for cost savings and performance improvements to track the yearly contract expirations on their telecom contracts and seriously consider a VoIP solution. 

How Medical Offices Prevent Losses with a Cloud PBX

As physicians have begun to opt for their own physician-owned practices, time and operating expenses have come to the forefront of the conversation. Not only that, but from diagnosing and treating patients to dictation and documentation, making the most of your front and back office means keeping everything running smoothly and keeping the flow of […]

Revive Insurance Office Performance with Office-Wide VoIP Solutions

Keeping your office on a slim budget while keeping agents armed with the channels and flexibility they need keeps insurance offices on their toes. Whether it’s freeing up extra cash and manpower or ensuring client contact and leads never go ignored, a VoIP solution can make it happen.

How Business VoIP Providers End Landline Fiascos

The source of your dead phone lines can be numerous. From PBX systems that need new firmware to bad wiring and downed lines from the latest big storm, old school phone systems are a gremlin’s handcart full of phone mischief.

4 Unexpected Advantages of VoIP Business Phone Systems

When you’re setting up a new office or enterprise location or just upgrading from an old business phone system, checking out the hottest cutting-edge packages can feel like shopping for a new car. Amazing – but honestly, it’s kind of a chore.

How Does VoIP PBX Compare to Traditional Phone PBX

Upgrading your office (or just getting rid of service that doesn’t keep up with needs) is enough of a hassle without having to research all the options out there. For those of you needing to make a quick change, we’re providing the important points your office will need to know to determine which system is […]

How Business VoIP Solutions Save Your Office Time and Money

Technology has transformed businesses in industries of every stripe. Uber has disrupted the cab industry and saved commuters time and money – 72.5% of auto travel reimbursements by professionals went to ride-sharing companies. Drones are hoping to usurp the domain of delivery drivers everywhere. So, where’s the tech for the rest of us? From serving […]